Not so quietly, Comcast is building a stronger and stronger marketing channel. The announcement this week of the acquisition of Time Warner Cable increases the leverage for Comcast.
As the map shows, Comcast solidifies its presence particularly in the eastern half of the country for cable delivery. Add in the NBC network, and Comcast is set to potentially influence a large portion of advertising and marketing dollars spent.
This week, as a former customer of Comcast Spotlight I received a celebratory announcement for their 10th anniversary. With Comcast Spotlight, you can purchase traditional cable ads certainly. But my purchases have been for targeted display ads on Comcast's homepage as well as well known sites through their affiliated marketing programs.
This is a sale that will be scrutinized by the government, but if approved will be very interesting for marketing decisions going forward. I have said before that the data that Comcast can learn about TV and internet users is very valuable. This data can be used to solidify advertising revenue for their cable outlets, but could also be transferred to the broadcast network NBC and help them target audiences and advertisers like we've not seen before.
Ad Age had a great story this week on the potential future of Comcast with Time Warner a part of their portfolio. Read it at: