Mobile coupons continue to grow, which is not exactly breaking news I realize. According to Juniper, there will be more than 31 billion digital coupons redeemed annually within the next three years. And while any success coupon program should include a digital component, traditional print coupons still play a vital role.
Don't get me wrong, digital coupons are important. I'm not a dinosaur who is trying to ignore digital alternatives away. Quite the opposite. I find it exciting to work with customers on programs like digital coupons, and help them find success as this outlet explodes. Those digital coupons are quickly growing, are going mobile and are inexpensive. Nearly 3 of 4 (73%) of those coupons are on mobile devices, and 85% not printed at home.
I think it depends on the market, but I still find that newspaper coupon redemption is performing at a higher level than digital coupons. That is the case with coupons from inserts as well as from display ads in the newspaper. The newspaper reader is still a very desirable target, who has money to spend and relies on ads in newspapers to guide their spending. This is especially true with coupons.
But the times, they are a changing. As this article points out, coupons are starting to find consumers rather than consumers finding them.